singer and vocal coach

Physiological & exploratory approach

"Let's explore your voice and find out its infinite possibilities"

Prevent vocal fatigue

Restore a healthy gesture

Understand and feel the way your voice work

Explore expert techniques (rough effects, belting)

Get ready for studio sessions and concerts

Fulfill your capacities to the maximum

Accompanying singers

After years of performing as a stage and studio singer, and vocal technique teacher, I became convinced that the voice is not an instrument, but the acoustical manifestation of what a human being is about at the core, be it physically, psychologically or spiritually.

Teaching vocal technique is demanding : one has to take into account the globality of the student, work with tact and caution, using solid knowledge about the way the vocal system truly works, without forgetting we're dealing with Art. I can apply my background as a musician, producer and singer to help you explore your vocal possibilities while always taking vocal health into account, according to your goals and aesthetic preferences.




Offical national certification - "Vocal Technique Teacher"

From 2021

Voice talent and ressource provider for "La Fabrique de Monstres"

2020 - 2021

Training as vocal technique teacher through "Chant, voix et corps" Institute

From 2011

learning singing and teaching from different approaches : CVT workshop with Mo Millar (authorized CVT teacher), lessons with Circe Lunginbühl (authorized CVT teacher), Rodney Mc Laughlin (Extreme Vocal Studio), Ralf Scheepers (ex-Gamma Ray, Primal Fear), Gregory West, Cornelius Dybdahl, Toni Linke, Iannis Psallidakos (harmonic singing and vocal acoustics)

Wish to work with me ?

"Let's explore your voice and find out its infinite possibilities"

singer and vocal coach

Links to colleagues

Toni Linke :
Gregory West :
Cornelius Dybdahl :
The New School Singer (chant classique) :
Ivan Mihailjevic :
Oser sa voix (chant diphonique) :
The Monster Factory
Sing and Scream :

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